PBIS Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Manuals are used to help schools implement a multi-tiered system of Positive Behavior Support. The International version of the Tier 1 Manual includes extensive content from my work in Australia. Behavior Principles is an essential booklet for educators or anyone interested in a brief and easy to understand guide to the science of human behavior. It is also published in Spanish.
Peer-reviewed research studies, journal publications, and magazine articles are listed below.
Recently created three online Certified PBIS Trainer certificate courses.
Select References
Gulchak, D. J., Flores, Y. R., Zillich, J. L., Jannasch-Pennell, A. K. (2022). KOI PBIS Tier 3 Manual: A Knowledge-Outomes-Impact Model for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (3nd Edition). KOI Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Gulchak, D. J., Flores, Y. R., Jannasch-Pennell, A. K., Reynoso, R. (2021). PBIS Tier 1 Manual: A Knowledge-Outomes-Impact Model for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (4th Edition). KOI Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Gulchak, D. J., Flores, Y. R., Jannasch-Pennell, A. K., Reynoso, R. (2021). PBS Tier 1 Manual: A Knowledge-Outomes-Impact Model for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (International Edition). KOI Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Gulchak, D., Flores, Y., Breen, K. &Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2020). PBIS Tier 2 Manual: A Knowledge-Outcome-Impact Model for Multi-Tiered Systems of Behavior Support (4th Edition). KOI Education.
Flores, Y., Gulchak, D., Jannasch-Pennell, A. & Lurie, B. (2019). Behavior Principles: Core Classroom Knowledge for Educators (3rd Edition). KOI Education. Also available in Spanish.
Blood, E. &Gulchak, D. J. (2013), Embedding “Clickers” Into Classroom Instruction: Benefits and Strategies. Intervention in School and Clinic, 48 (4), 246-253.
Gulchak, D. J. (2008). Using a mobile handheld computer to teach a student with emotional and behavioral disorders to self-monitor attention. Education and Treatment of Children, 31, 567-581.
Gulchak, D. J. (2008). The special ways of handhelds: Leveraging the power of technology to help special needs students succeed. District Administration.
Gulchak, D. J & Lopes, J. A. (2007). Interventions for students with behavioral disorders: An international literature review. Behavioral Disorders, 32, 267-281.
Rutherford, R. B., Mathur, S. R, &Gulchak, D. J. (Eds.). (2007). Severe behavior disorders of children and youth: Introduction [Special Issue]. Education and Treatment of Children, 30, 1-3.
Gulchak, D. J. (2007). Review of the book Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: An introduction for Teachers and other Helping Professionals, 2nd Edition. Beyond Behavior 17, 32-35.
Gulchak, D. J. (2003). Want to improve your memory? Try these proven strategies. The Toastmaster, 69, 26-27.
Multi-year recipient of the Sun Devil 100 Award for global ASU Alumni leaders of organizations that demonstrate innovation, growth, and entrepreneurial spirit.
Collaborating and consulting with school district leaders, principals and educators to implement systems of PBIS, MTSS, behavior management, instructional strategies and special eduction practices lead to impactful outcome in our community.
Sharing is caring – my expertise is developing professional development workshops and courses that are engaging, interactive, and fun! While at the same time delivering evidence-based practices guaranteed to deliver outcomes for educator, students and families.